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Best incense sticks for meditation


Best incense sticks for meditation, Incense sticks for relaxation & Incense sticks good for health.

Approach any Buddhist monastery or temple and you will get the distractive scent of sandalwood and for a very good reason! Sandalwood promotes openness, grounding, spiritual awaking and relaxation and truly stands head and shoulders above other incense when it comes to ranking the best incense sticks for meditation.

Sandalwood has a warm rich yet woody scent along with a number of medical benefits such as removing anxiety and depression and therefore will help in aiding and calming the mind and aid you in finding harmony while also deepening your spiritual connection. Due to sandalwoods subtle light aroma, it will help take you into that clear space within your mind.

However, although sandalwood is the incense we would recommend there are indeed many other popular scents to choose from both herbal and floral, in truth t’s really up to you to decide which is the best incense for lifting a certain mood. Here at Tibetan incense, we have put together an array of incense sticks we feel would be a good starting point for someone looking to enhance their meditation.

Best Incense sticks for meditation incense sticks for relaxation & incense sticks good for health



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